Youth are available to help daily from 4-10pm Pacific Time
YouthLine is a free peer-to-peer help, support, and crisis line for youth. No problem is too big or too small for YouthLine – reach out to us today!
YouthLine is confidential to a point: while we will never share conversations had on the lines, we are mandatory reporters. If a young person is experiencing or has experienced abuse, neglect, or assault, or if there are immediate safety concerns, YouthLine may contact other agencies to ensure the best support and safety for the young person in crisis.
YouthLine calls, texts, chats, and email responses are provided in English. Translation is available for phone calls through a live interpreter. We help find available resources in languages other than English when requested.
Our Work
YouthLine is a peer-to-peer help, support, and crisis line serving youth ages 10-24 across the United States since 2000. YouthLine is staffed by youth volunteers and young adult interns who undergo extensive training and are supervised by highly skilled clinicians.
We are one of a small handful of peer-to-peer crisis services across the country, and we know that youth are uniquely suited to support other youth because they know what it is like to be a young person today.
In addition to our help, support, and crisis line, YouthLine is a youth development program offering mentorship, skill- building, and workforce development for our volunteers and interns. We also promote positive youth mental health virtually and in person through social media, awareness-raising, and lessons in middle and high schools to destigmatize mental health and encourage youth to reach out for help when they need it.
We currently have two call centers in Portland and Bend, Oregon, and satellite locations in Portland and Warm Springs, Oregon. We are headquartered in Oregon but serve youth across the country, and even around the world, through our help, support, and crisis line.
Resources for Schools and Mini-grants
YouthLine supports schools in Oregon with their suicide prevention initiatives. YouthLine can provide classroom lessons to middle and high schools in Oregon on mental health and wellness topics for students. We also support districts on their Suicide Prevention, Intervention, and Postvention Plans required by Adi’s Act through our Suicide Prevention, Intervention, Postvention Step-by-Step Guide and our School Suicide Prevention and Wellness Program.
In addition, we provide small grants to schools and districts to fund their suicide prevention work through our Mini-grants program. Learn more about those here.
Materials for Mental Wellness and Suicide Prevention
We want to empower youth to get help and know about YouthLine! We offer a collection of complimentary materials for mental wellness and suicide prevention for schools, youth-serving organizations, and healthcare providers to order and share with the youth they serve. We have stickers, wristbands, and brochures in addition to other items. Explore our materials and order them here!
Volunteer with YouthLine
We are always looking for Oregon youth who are able to work shifts in our call centers located in Bend, Portland, and Warm Springs to volunteer or intern with our program!
Why should you volunteer? Maybe you’ve been there before. Maybe you know what it’s like to struggle with mental health, to feel alone, or to be broken up with. Maybe you really want to help others. Maybe it is all of the above! By volunteering with YouthLine, you will give help and hope to peers going through a hard time.
With all the training, mentorship, and clinical supervision you get, you will feel well supported in helping your peers. For more information, review our Volunteer page, text ‘ORVol’ to 85511, or email us at!